• What comes from the earth can return to the earth. And what nature produces, it can also recycle. Astradec Environnement manages the recovery of organic materials that can be collected and channel them into three major sectors:
  • Agronomic enhancement by spreading on agricultural plots, gardens and parks
    Organic recovery by composting
    Energy recovery by methanization
  • Methanization
  • Methanization is a biological process of breaking down organic matter by bacteria. The collected organic waste is placed in a “digester” under specific conditions of humidity and temperature favorable to their decomposition. The result of this digestion is the production of:
  • a biogas composed mainly of recoverable methane in the form of green energy
  • a balanced nutrient rich matter called “digestate” which can be reused by returning it to the soil
  • Astradec is developing a complete facility around anaerobic digestion with the characterization and analysis of waste, optimized logistics and multi-site treatment.

Logistics (collection, transport, storage, loading, spreading)
Administrative management (contact with partners in the sector, drawing up of regulatory documents)
Agronomic monitoring (analysis of by-products, land, determination of intake doses, advice on fertilization, etc.)
Social networking for the agricultural sector (technical visits, agronomic advice, networking)
Operational advice to project managers for the improvement of channels
Full facility focusing on anaerobic digestion with characterization and analysis of waste, optimized logistics and multi-site treatment



La préservation de notre environnement est l’engagement et l’affaire de tous, mais c’est avant tout notre métier et notre savoir-faire. Et cela commence par notre capacité à rechercher et identifier pour nos clients, industries, professionnels du bâtiment, collectivités territoriales, ou particuliers, les meilleurs filières de traitement et de valorisation des déchets. La solution de l’enfouissement des déchets est pour Astradec Environnement le dernier recours. Nous croyons à la seconde vie des matières, nous avons la conviction que nous pouvons trouver dans chaque déchet une nouvelle ressource.




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